Anne McCartney Art

annesmall1 My work reflects my interest in nature and the natural environment as well as the playful side of my imagination. I express my feelings about the world through my work. My journey through life is a pathway to many ideas that I express through shape colour and form. I like my clay work to be tactile and easy to play with.

To give physical shape to my ideas I will use any materials that come to hand through chance or by design if they suit my purpose. this includes clay, paint and ink.

I will measure my success from the feed back I get from my tutors and peers. Also when firings are successful and I believe my work to be achieving the effect I wanted.

DSCF8683DSCF8649This images are of a work in progress about the natural world and the effect humans are having on it.DSCF8654anne1 1This painting is of a clay man I am in the process of making. My first firing of the legs failed. This work will be wired together and hang.DSCF8676DSCF8668DSCF8669These are the individual pieces of the clay man.

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